Meditation Series #1
A Beautiful, Blissful Meditation to increase courage and bring kindness to the expression
Sitting in Rock Pose and Surya Mudra (sitting on heels, thumb tips touching ring fingertips)
with the other fingers straight, lift the arms to 60° up in front of the body, keeping them very straight.
Breathe very slowly and deeply as you concentrate on the tip of your nose for 5-11 minutes.
Then inhale, hold your breath, raise the arms overhead and clap the hands. Then relax and enjoy!
Meditation Series #2
Infinite kriya: a guarantee for happy days, builds capacity, sensitivity and strength of heart.
In comfortable meditation pose, with chin tucked in, chest out, spine straight,
cup the hands one over the other at chest level in front of the heart, and look at them with the chin firmly in.
Continue for 5-11 minutes. Then stretch up, hold the breath, exhale and repeat 3 times.
Then stretch and widely open the fingers, turning the body left and right, and relax.
To build capacity, sensitivity and strength of heart. To harness human energy.
A guarantee of happy days. This meditation will add years to your life if practiced regularly
Meditation Series #3
Meditation for the technique to accomplish, 8 for the heart and lymph system
In meditative pose, make claws of the hands and curve the arms in front of the chest
without touching them (as though you were hugging a barrel). Keep the arms, hands and fingers
very tense until they shake and vibrate vigorously, with long,
deep breathing. Continue for 5-8 minutes. Then raise arms and make hands into fists,
deeply inhale and exhale 3 times and relax.
This tunes up all the glands associated with the heart.
It strengthens the heart and tones the lymph system.
This meditation, combined with the breath, gives one the technique to accomplish.
COMMENTS: Power of accomplishing must be in harmony, for the rhythm of the heart
is the rhythm of the entire being. When flowing with that rhythm,
we are in harmony with creativity
Meditation Series #4
Harmonize with the magnetic field of the earth and to experience peace and joy
In comfortable meditative pose, stretch the arms directly out to the sides, parallel to the ground, with the palms down.
With eyes 9/10 closed, and long, deep breathing, continue for 3 minutes.
Then stretch and meditate.
Experience peace and joy, relieve stress and strain under any circumstances and harmonize
you with the earth's magnetic ield. You become 84 times stronger.
Meditation Series #5
Meditation of prana to make you younger and eliminate all disease.
Now, raise the arms straight ahead and 60° up, and stiffen the fingers,
thumbs by their sides, very tightly until. they shake. (The ears will itch
if it is done correctly.) Eyes 9/10 closed, keep the shoulders relaxed. When the
breath becomes important, you will be connecting with pranic
life force.
Continue for 3
minutes. Then inhale, hold,
let go to the universe and relax.
Do this for no longer than 5 minutes at first, but
you may gradually build up to 31 minutes.
Meditation Series #6
Meditation for radiance and reversal of age
Press elbows tightly into the ribs on each side and bend the forearms up at a 45 angle.
Pull the thumbs strongly back sp that they point up, allowing the other fingers to relax.
Meditate on the Heart Chakra, rising above the pain. Continue for 5 minutes.
Makes the whole area radiant. Reverses the aging process.
Meditation Series #7
Lotus kriya, meditation of creation, to cross all adver-sities.
Still seated in meditation pose, join the hands at 'their bases in the shape of a lotus at heart level.
To begin and between each repetition of the mantra, the thumbs and
small fingers are separated, and then joined as follows.
Chant the "Bij mantra" Sep 97za Na Dia first in the Human Language (audibly),
joining the thumbs and little fingers, chant "Sa" Then join the ring fingers,
chanting "Ta", then the middle fingers, chanting "Na", and last, the middle fingers,
chant-ing "Ma". Then repeat the mudras and mantra, whispering it, in the Language of Lovers,
and finally, in the Language of God - silently.
COMMENTS: Meditation of creation is one of the most powerful meditations known.
This is the meditation on the power of the word and the creational power within.
Rhythm of polar-ity is changed.
It is a promise to one who practices this kriya that he will cross all adver¬sities!
NOTE: How many repetitions in each language was not specified,
nor was the length of the medit-ation riven.
Since the others in this group are all short,
it may be safe to assume that this one is shorter than Kirtan Kriya.
Kundalini Miami
Pursuit of Happiness